// Sector Products


Regulation (EU) No 528/2012, also known as the Biocidal Products Regulation, requires that only active ingredients from sources listed under Article 95 be used in Europe for the manufacture of biocidal products, such as disinfectants. BCD Chemie trades a wide range of these active ingredients and is even an Art. 95 listed source for various alcohols. Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 (BPR, Biocidal Products Regulation) regulates the use and provision of biocidal products on the market in the European Union. In this process, the active ingredients are first subjected to an evaluation, and subsequently the biocidal products must be authorised. Since 1 September 2015, only biocidal products containing active ingredients supplied by companies that have submitted an active ingredient dossier or have access to the dossier by means of a letter of access may be placed on the market in the European Union. For this reason, BCD Chemie is a member of the ASD Consortium Alcohol Task Force and supports, for example, the active ingredient ethanol for product types 1, 2 and 4 under the BPR.

Biocidal active substances from sources listed according to Art. 95

  • Ethanol
  • 2-Propanol/IPA
  • 1-Propanol
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Peracetic acid
  • Formic acid
  • Lactic acid
  • Sodium hypochlorite/sodium hydroxide solution
  • Chlorine dioxide (Clorious 2)
  • Sodium chlorite

Es ist teilweise auch möglich, die Wirkstoffe schon verarbeitet zu bekommen, z. B. gleich als fertiges Produkt, wie bei Desinfektionsmitteln, oder vorgelöst.

Do you need more information?

For detailed information and technical advice on biocidal active substances and applications, please contact us.

Your contact person


Jan Fischer
Project Management Biocidal Active Substances

Phone: +49 40 77173 0

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